Want to partner with us?

There are 3 primary ways to support this project.

Subscribe to Substack.

If you too are passionate about women in long-term relationships having better sex, we’d love to have you join the party in our Substack.

This is a space where both Rachel and Caitlin share updates about the project, and recommend resources, and dig deep into what it takes to cultivate a strong, lasting connection.

This FREE email-based space is a pressure-free environment to learn, grow, and connect with our project.


Tell a friend.

The Not Tonight Project would not be possible without an audience. Every time you share with someone about what we’re up to, the more opportunity we have to reach women desperately seeking change. Share a podcast episode, send our Instagram handle, or text a link to a friend.

Every little bit of conversation builds toward a more free and vulnerable future.


Support us financially.

It takes a village to promote change. It also takes actual dollar bucks (any other Bluey fans out there?)

We are grateful for every single donation, as every penny goes back into spreading this work as far as we can.

We accept donations from multiple sources. Click the link below for more information.